California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.
Disclosures Required Pursuant To The California Transparency In Supply Chains Act Of 2010
AGC Multi Material America, Inc. ("AGC") respects the dignity and value of all people.
AGC and its officers, directors and employees are guided internally by the fundamental tenants and principles set forth in our Global Code of Conduct (AGC Group Code of Conduct | Sustainability | AGC), including prohibiting child labor or forced labor in any of our global operations or facilities. To ensure these values are embodied within the culture of AGC, we provide new employee onboarding and periodic awareness training for existing employees regarding our Global Code of Conduct. There are also procedures in place for our employees to report and initiate investigations involving alleged violations of these policies. AGC is committed to investigating all potential legal or Global Code of Conduct violations in a thorough and fair manner. During the investigation process, to the extent practicable and as appropriate under applicable law, AGC will make every reasonable effort to maintain the confidentiality of persons reporting violations and the confidentiality of the information they provide. If an employee violates the Global Code of Conduct, disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with AGC policies and procedures and applicable law.
Our commitment and focus to prevent child labor, forced labor, bonded labor, servitude, slavery, practices similar to slavery, harassment of the labor force, and to uphold compliance with applicable child labor laws, extends into our relationships with suppliers, vendors, and/or agents (collectively, “Supplier(s)”). AGC expects Suppliers to implement systems and controls to promote compliance with applicable laws and the principles set forth above, including internal policies, training, monitoring, and auditing mechanisms through their supply chains. Additionally, the current versions of AGC’s Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, Supplier Code of Conduct and other similar documents, contain clauses which specifically address a Supplier’s obligation to have support structures in place to comply with applicable laws and prohibit forced labor in all forms and fashion. If a violation is discovered., AGC may exercise rights and remedies under the applicable documents and at law, including but not limited to, requiring a Supplier to implement corrective actions, disqualification of the Supplier from future business, and/or termination of the relationship.